Our freshman yearbook. 2000 |
Rockwell's loving dad, and my handsome husband deserves a little shout out! Here is our story! Jordan and I met our freshman year of high school in Denver, Colorado. He was quiet and well thought and I was an innocent (fairly) daughter of a preacher. I was fun-loving and had high moral conviction but didn't really want to advertise my convictions to the world. We were partners in our cooking class. The thing I remember most about the "freshman" Jordan were his eyes. Deep and passionate. His demeanor showed off a boy who didn't care what others thought, a boy who wasn't caught up in caring what was "cool." His eyes told his story, he was someone who was wise beyond his years, planning for adulthood and not for the weekend. I wish I could say I was the same. I did however care about the "status." I wanted to be the girl wearing size two Abercrombie and Fitch jeans. :) and the truth in his eyes always convicted me for my facade. After ninth grade I moved away to a small town in northern Colorado and Jordan moved away to New York to go to boarding school to play hockey and just as these things usually go we lost touch. Through the years I would commonly think about Jordan. I would wonder how he was, where he was, and from time to time when I would think about that look in his eyes I would just say a little prayer for him. Then the dawn of a new era came. The era of MySpace and Facebook! I searched for Jordan a few times on both sites trying to sneak a peak at where he was and who he had become. Alas, it was to no success so I stopped trying. In 2007 I moved to the east coast and took a job in New York.
Our reunion after 10 years! 2009 NYC |
One day at work in 2009 I randomly thought about him and this time I found myself silently praying for him. Praying that God would keep him and protect him and use him for His will. Then three weeks later I got a friend request from Jordan. In his message he proceeded to tell me that he was happy to have finally found me and that he had thought a lot about me over the years and had always wondered how I was and who I had become! As luck would have it he was coming to New York to visit friends from school and we decided to meet up for coffee and catch up! I hate to be so cliche but it was love at first sight. We spent his whole trip together talking and falling in love.
Surprise proposal in Central Park |
However, after he went back home we both decided that we were at different places in life and a relationship (especially a long-distance relationship) at that point wouldn't be wise and was not the direction that God had for us. So we stopped talking and it broke my heart! But one thing I've learned is to always obey what your heart is telling you. Jesus knows best! Ten months later I had a dream about Jordan and I as I sometimes do I knew it was from God. It was like a glimpse of my future and my future was with Jordan. So I decided to call him up and just see how he was since it had been ten months. To my surprise Jordan had moved to Tulsa, Oklahoma and was in his first year of Bible school and he was doing great! I held my dream back from him and just proceeded to spend time talking with him.
Our Wedding Day |
The catch - Part of the Bible school program he was in had a rule that for the first year you can't date, so we didn't date we just talked. When we had vacations from work or breaks from school we didn't fly up to visit each other. We stuck to the rules! (It sucked! :))
8 months pregnant |
When Jordan graduated he flew down to New York and proposed to me in Central Park in front of my family! Three months later we were married and headed to Tulsa, Oklahoma where he finished the next year of bible school and is now attending ORU for accounting.
This August right before our one year anniversary I gave birth to our beautiful son Rockwell (named after his grandpa Rocky). Was it a whirlwind romance? You bet! Would I do things different? Maybe I'd change a few details but not one of the major decisions! Jordan was my choice and I'll stick by that choice for the rest of my life! We are in love and that picture entails the good, the bad, the precious, the ugly, the passionate, and the secluded moments of our lives together and I could not imagine a different life! Trials and strife may come knocking and they definitely get the best of us once in awhile, but in the end we laid the foundation of our relationship in Jesus and made choices we could be proud of and we've continued to build our marriage on His word! I love you Jordan!
Our handsome baby boy! Rockwell James |