Thursday, November 8, 2012


Early this morning I put Rockwell down to play in his brand new and may I also add AMAZING new addition to our living room floor - Segue - The Kidco PeaPod travel bed! The little blow up mattress makes any surface comfortable so it's perfect indoors on a hard floor and outdoors on the ground. The zip up walls also protect against bugs.- When he is down there he's in a whole new world (far from his world on the couch) He's happy to just kick and coo to himself while I work away. Today like most days he was content for about 45 minutes until he realized he was all alone and by himself. I let him whine there for 15 minutes or so until I finally came to get him. What was so interesting is that when I appeared over him to pick him up he was so thrilled to see me and also caught by surprise because until that moment he thought he was alone. It's a funny analogy but it started me thinking that this is how we are with God. When we sometimes feel all alone and when God shows up we are shocked! But it really is our perspective is off. From the floor Rockwell could only see his surroundings and from his angle he couldn't see that I hadn't left him and was actually right next to him on the couch. God is always right next to us, if we can't see Him or hear Him we may need to get a better perspective because He never leaves us or forsakes us!

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